Ultra-Rapid (predicted half) 和Ultra-Rapid (observed half)区别与联系

2020-2-19 16:30:19 来源: GNSSer 发布人:


The IGU products will contain 48 hours worth of orbits. The first 24 hours contain a "real" orbit, i.e., an orbit based on actual observations. The

second 24 hours contain a predicted orbit.



Type Accuracy Latency Updates Sample Interval
Broadcast orbits ~100 cm real time daily
Sat. clocks ~5 ns    RMS
~2.5 ns SDev
Ultra-Rapid (predicted half) orbits ~5 cm real time at 03, 09, 15, 21 UTC 15 min
Sat. clocks ~3 ns    RMS
~1.5 ns SDev
Ultra-Rapid (observed half) orbits ~3 cm 3 – 9 hours at 03, 09, 15, 21 UTC 15 min
Sat. clocks ~150 ps RMS
~50 ps SDev
Rapid orbits ~2.5 cm 17 – 41 hours at 17 UTC daily 15 min
Sat. & Stn. clocks ~75 ps RMS
~25 ps SDev
5 min
Final orbits ~2.5 cm 12 – 18 days every Thursday 15 min
Sat. & Stn. clocks ~75 ps RMS
~20 ps SDev
Sat.: 30s
Stn.: 5 min

阅读次数: 2471

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